Thursday, August 21, 2008

By Phoning Around, One Can Soon Discover The Best Currency Rates Going

Category: Finance, Currency Trading.

The average person regards bank interest rates as a vehicle for making money cheaper when they go down, and making money more expensive when they go up.

However, there are other roles the official bank. interest rates play. People are mostly concerned about how much more or how much less they will have to find to for their mortgage and automobile payments, etc. When a country increases its official bank rate, those with money on deposit earn more cash for it. For that to happen, they are obliged to purchase the currency in question, which requires selling a currency they hold. It does not mean only the locals, but overseas investors start placing their money into that country as well. It also means that those who were thinking about selling their domestic currency before the rate increase, may well change their mind since they would now hope to be able to earn more money by staying put.

However, there are two sides to that, because the speculators might figure it may not be prudent to invest money into the country just because its interest rate was raised. Thus, a scenario might develop creating more buyers than sellers, prompting the currency to appreciate. They may interpret that situation in a different way, and have their own ideas about the position of that particular currency. Every country needs to trade, and goods have to be manufactured and exported to earn foreign money. Therefore, the currency which anyway might not have been the flavour of the month, can become the recipient of a rather negative sentiment, and consequently even start depreciating. Of course to make things, you have to buy raw materials to make them.

However, if your currency is too strong, the goods will be expensive to export. If your currency is weak, the raw material will become expensive since the foreign currency has to be bought to get that material. Finding the right balance and not overshooting one way or the other takes time and particularly if a series of other factors keep coming into the equation, thus causing all sorts of volatility. The central banks purchase and sell currencies in order to keep things in some sort of shape they would like to see. As can be imagined, not many businesses are keen to se going on for too long. These kind of treatments and interventions can push the value of the currency up or down for a certain limited time.

If playing these markets, remember that to make a profit it is important to use the best tools for the job. Being able to understand the full role of the official bank interest rates and the reasons for their introduction, can be of value for both the foreign currency and property investors. In the case of foreign currency needs, the various companies that provide really excellent service offering cheaper rates than the high street banks do, can be found with ease on the internet. In the case of property, approaching the realtors is cheapest in the long run. By phoning around, one can soon discover the best currency rates going. They know their business well, and will not get involved with properties which have minus points attached to them without letting you know all about it.

Knowing what is good and what is not so good is worth plenty, particularly these days. Having lots of good properties on the market, they do not wish to get involved with problematic ones. In conclusion and for your information, here are some official bank interest rates of the more important areas of the currency world: Australia AUD 75 per cent, last change 6 Nov 07. Canada CAD 25 per cent, last change 4 Nov 07. The Reserve Bank of Australia next meeting 7 Feb 08. Bank of Canada next meeting 22 Jan 08.

European Central Bank next meeting 10 Jan 08. European Union EUR 4 per cent, last change 6 June 07. Japan JPV 50 per cent, last change 21 Feb 07. New Zealand NZD 25 per cent, last change 26 Jul 07. Bank of Japan next meeting 22 Jan 08. Reserve Bank of New Zealand next meeting 23 Jan 08.

Swiss National Bank next meeting 13 Mar 08. Switzerland CHF 75 per cent, last change 14 Sep 07. United Kingdom GBP 50 per cent, last change 6 Dec 07. USA USD 25 per cent, last change 11 Dec 07. Bank of England next meeting 10 Jan 08. Federal Reserve next meeting 30 Jan 08


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